Liveable Neighbourhoods is a web-based application that analyses gaps in services and amenities within a 15 min walk or short cycle. 


  • The application analyses services and amenities from the centre point of a grid square and then scores it based on 5 categories.

  • These categories are Transport, Health, Education, Retail and Leisure.

  • Each category is scored out of 5, giving a total possible score of 25.

  • Each category is divided into weighted subcategories based on how important they are in our daily lives.

  • Grid-based visualisation helping identify gaps in services and amenities

SKILLS : GitHub, Javascript, HTML, CSS, ReactS, Leaflet, Mapbox GL

Coming soon our Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) web application with advanced analysis capabilities throughout the UK.


Coming soon !!

  • Run PTAL from anywhere in UK at a click of a button.

  • Adjust parameters at ease and calculate results based on your Urban environment

  • Add in parameter for public transport onwards journeys ( 30, 45min journey via public transport ) and get a true value of accessibility.

  • Add new masterplan layouts / transport nodes and calculate before and after scenarios.

  • Additional countries to be add in near future include Republic of Ireland and Montreal.


Bring your wayfinding strategies to life with our interactive wayfinding web applications. 

  • Embed into website for a seamless user experience.

  • Add directional routing for onwards journey.

  • Customisable branding.